Hostie horror: Skin, snot and smelly socks

FLIGHT attendant Sara Keagle is pulling back the hatch on the grossest behaviors of passengers aboard commercial flights. From leaving behind adult diapers, to letting breast milk leak down from over-head bins and using ped eggs to file down foot calluses - Keagle revealed that working at 30,000 feet isn't nearly as glamorous as it seems. Keagle, who has two decades of experience in the air, reached out to her vast network of fellow flight attendants to find the most disgusting stories of bad in-flight etiquette. Keagle writes the blog the Flying Pinto and revealed the nasty passenger behavior in the Huffington Post. One flight attendant recalled a flight in which a woman boarded the plane and the promptly pulled out both of her breasts and began pumping her breasts into a bottle. The woman proceeded to pump her breasts with both of them exposed during board, taxi, take off and the cruise - on a full flight. On another flight, passengers called over the attendant to...